Here's my wish for 2024

Wishing you an easeful transition into 2024 and an abundant and expansive year ahead. To close out the last day of the year, I wrote a little poem for my 2024 wish. Enjoy!
Here's to a year of peace
Of green earth beneath my feet
Of rain drops that sprinkle on my skin
And a salty breeze, sweet enough to drink.
Here's to a year of rest
With midday naps, warm cups of tea, and plenty of recess.
A year of abundance
Where nights of dancing fuel and fund us.
Where there's enough for you and enough for me
Because we live in a world of plenty.
Here's to a year of summits reached
Of mountain top milestones complete
Where a harvest of hard work tastes like a peach that we must enjoy and eat.
Here's to a year of planting seeds
That one day will meet our needs
So let them grow
Don't be afraid to pull out the weeds.
Intention setting for 2024
Journal it out!
- What are the top five areas of your life that take priority? (e.g., health, fitness, career, community, etc.)
- What are your intentions for those areas of your life? (e.g., fitness - run a marathon)
- What steps do you need to take in Q1–Q4 to get there? (*quarter one: Jan. 1–March 31, quarter two: April 1–June 30, quarter three: July 1–Sept. 30, quarter four: Oct. 1–Dec. 31)
Once you've got these written down, make a new piece of paper, or type and print them out where you can look at them daily. :)
I hope this helps you attain your dreams in 2024!