What a year it has been! From my rebrand with Gianna Andrews Studio, to running my first marathon, to traveling Europe and taking a painting class in Italy, to painting huge walls, and everything in between, it's been quite an experience.
I like to close out the year with a review, in order to take a moment to appreciate what I've been through and get clear on what goals I have for the new year. I hope you enjoy my year in review! I encourage you to make one too!
January 1, 2023
I woke up on New Year’s Day in the van after a night of camping with friends. It was COLD outside.

January 23, 2023
So cold, in fact, that Kory and I booked tickets right away for a winter escape to Arizona to visit his family. This trip inspired "Desert Aire," one of my favorite paintings from 2023

March 17, 2023
After visiting Arizona and the many renowned galleries in Scottsdale, I decided to make some changes to my business that I had been wanting to for several years. In March, I liquidated my merch line and launched my rebrand: Gianna Andrews Studio. The intention behind the rebrand was to focus on larger scale projects that have impact and create change.

April 20, 2023
Looking to find my sense of style after the rebrand, I started experimenting with different concepts. "Palette Dreams" showcases just how different and imaginative I was getting. There are still four paintings from this time that I have yet to release, hopefully in 2024. :)

May 5, 2023
In May, I launched my first ever weekly newsletter, Studio Sundays! I was feeling burned out on social media and excited to try out a new way of connecting with you all. The newsletter has proven to be an awesome way to offer longer-form content.

May 25, 2023
At the end of May I took a trip to Mexico with a friend. It was so empowering to be on a girls’ surf trip and just hang out in the sand under the palms. This trip inspired my “Surfer Girl” painting.

June 1, 2023
In June I joined in on my first group juried art show in Federal Way, WA.

July 24, 2023
A family backpacking trip with my dad, Kory, and Arrow was truly a highlight of the year. Arrow loves backpacking!

August 26, 2023
I showed my art at THING music festival, which was truly a blast. What made it extra special was meeting so many of you, and also having my family and friends there. Since I work from home and spend a lot of time alone creating, it's always extra special when we get to connect in person.

September 9, 2023
I spent the spring and summer running farther distances than I had in my entire life. Thanks to some awesome friends, I found myself training for a marathon. In September, I completed the 26.2 miles, on trail at that!

September 26, 2023
I went to Europe for the first time ever this year! I spent one week in an oil painting class in Southern Italy, then met up with my best friend and spent a week on the Amalfi coast, and a week in Greece. What an amazing whirlwind!

October 23, 2023
Soon after returning from Europe, I designed and painted a mural for LOGE at their Westport location. It was such a blast painting BIG and it made me want to paint big more often.

November 19, 2023
Not long after I painted the LOGE mural, I found myself on-site at a new restaurant opening in Port Angeles, WA, bringing their brand to life: Moby Duck Chowder and Seafood. This wall was the biggest painting I've ever done!! See me for scale. :)

November 25, 2023
And just like that, it's December and time to wrap up 2023. What a year!!! From my little family to yours, wishing you an insightful year in review, and a magnificent new year.

Obviously, life is not always easy. In fact, sometimes it's pretty difficult and there will always be hard moments. But I hope that when you look back, you are able to see the good and how much you've grown. :)
Thank you for being here with me on this journey through 2023! I cannot wait to share what 2024 has in store!!!