No. 23: How I painted a 200 sq ft mural

Studio Sunday by Gianna Andrews
Gianna in front of finished mural

Last week I loaded up the van with my paints and Carhartts, and headed down the coast to Westport, WA..

The mission was to paint a 20 ft x 10 ft wall in the newly renovated café at LOGE, a cozy and contemporary surf hotel.

Oh, and Kory and Arrow came too. Kory was excited to surf and Arrow always loves beach time.

When we arrived on a misty dark night at 9 p.m., there were still some workers finishing up for the night. Their goal is to open the café this week, so it's crunch time for everyone. They showed us around and it was time for me to project the design on the wall so I could start the next morning painting right away.

Oct. 19, 10:19 PM:

Wall with mural sketch on it

The next morning, we set up the time-lapse (check it out below!) and I got painting right away. I started with the waves and water because blue is my favorite and I figured it would be a good warmup.

Oct. 20, 11:53 AM:

Day 1 progress of mural

Next, it was time to climb the ladder and paint the sky. I sure did a lot of laps up and down that ladder! By evening, my left arm was getting real tired. It was time to clean up.

Oct. 20, 6:01 PM:

Mural on day 1 with waves and sun

We had some friends visiting Westport for the weekend, so we caught sunset while the dogs got to run around on the beach.

That night I determined the next day was going to be a huge success and I was going to cover a lot of ground painting. I fell asleep tired and motivated to crush it the next day. 

Oct. 20, 6:30 PM:

Dogs playing on the beach

The next morning I got to work early. It was time to get the mountains in. The sand was a similar color, so I batched the process and moved back and forth between sand and mountains. By noon, the mountains got into place and the whole thing started to pop! 

Oct. 21, 12:22 PM:

Mural on end of day 2 almost completely covering wall

By the end of the second painting day, the entire wall was covered with at least a base layer of paint. I had reached my goal of covering the entire wall on day 2! I was feeling tired, happy, and proud.

Oct. 22, 5:58 PM:

Gianna standing in front of mural working on small details

Day 3 was all about getting everything detailed. Even though I had covered the entire wall in paint the day before, now it was time to give everything a second and third layer to really give the painting depth.

Oct. 23, 2:01 PM:

Gianna up on the ladder working on the sky of the mural

By the end of day 3 I was feeling cross-eyed from having my eyes focused all day. The tiny beachgrass detail was giving me a headache. It was time to call it a day and finish up detailing in the morning (if you're a frequent newsletter reader, you know how much I love mornings!).

So on day 4, I finished the beach grass, removed the tape, and signed the painting. And then it was done! Wahooo! 

Oct. 24, 2:42 PM:

Gianna in front of the finished mural

Mural Timelapse

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